Tag: deployment
Terraform is a popular tool for infrastructure as code, which allows users to provision and manage infrastructure resources using simple configuration files. While Terraform provides a built-in way to validate the syntax and structure of the configuration files, it does not provide any built-in way to test the actual infrastructure provisioned by Terraform. Therefore, it is common to use external testing frameworks to test Terraform code.
One popular testing framework for Terraform is Terratest. Terratest is a Go library that provides a set of helper functions to test Terraform code. It allows you to write test cases in Go, Python, or any other programming language that can call external executables. Terratest can be used to test Terraform code by running the Terraform commands, such as “terraform init” and “terraform apply,” and then making assertions about the resulting infrastructure.
Another popular testing framework is TFLint. TFLint is a linter for Terraform code, which checks the configuration files for best practices and potential issues. TFLint can be integrated with Azure DevOps pipeline and validate the Terraform code before it is applied.
Additionally, there are more frameworks like kitchen-terraform and terratest-kitchen which are specifically designed for testing terraform code. They are built on top of the popular testing frameworks such as Test Kitchen and Rspec, and provide a set of helper functions and matchers to test Terraform code.
In general, testing Terraform code is an important step in the infrastructure as code pipeline, as it ensures that the infrastructure provisioned by Terraform is working as intended and meets the desired specifications. Furthermore, testing Terraform code with external frameworks can help to catch potential issues before they are deployed to production.