We love DevOps and the work we do. We work in areas
to make software development unstopable process and deliver quality.

DevOps services

Proven record of successfully applied DevOps methos and technologies in variety of projects. Practical experience gained during resolving real life problems.

Once we start asesing state of the project or process we are notifying all aspects of devops: cultural, techological and processual. Vital things can hide in smallest details. Often problem have more then one soluton and we are here to find most optimal and suitable one.



Moving to London and start working as contractor-developer for Saatchi Gallery and biggest private art collector bring me close to the biggest IT center of Europe.

7 years ago moving toward mobile app development and using native programming language for Android and iOS development I have published several applications and games to AppStore and Google Play.

Cultivating culture of software production and deployment of variety of projects have progressed to DevOps culture within the team I have worked with. That was a turning point from actually developing software to the role of supporting development process, continuous integration and continuous deployment.

By advocating new tech and constantly seeking tooling for DevOps I have evolved to DevOps role where I am leading devops way and culture for software development, software testing and software deployment departments in current employment place.

View Works

No jargon. All explained by human language

Providing an effective communication conduit between customers, users, stakeholders and vendors to translate technical jargon, gain ‘buy in’, and create an environment of cooperation and trust.

Our Services

A qualified DevOps Engineer (Independent Contractor), expert in developing and delivering strategic corporate technology solutions to transform and improve business capabilities.

Organisation Migration

Conducted datacentre audit; prepared plan to separate business into two entities; created new cloud-based organisation using MS VSTS; tested environment; and migrated relevant resources to new owner, e.g. workflow pipelines, repositories and build/release definitions.

Hybrid Cloud

Assessed equipment and specifications; considered options and POC; selected combining on-premise datacentre and cloud-based technology; developed detailed plan (seamless extension of resources); gained approval; and implemented solution.

Clear Picture

Planned cost predicted architecture for cloud-based resources; wrote scripts for automated conversion (VMware to Azure); created VMs with Azure CLI, PowerShell and Terraform; led migration of network infrastructure; and led transfer of storage and computing resources.


Assessed company’s current production deployment process; developed detailed plan and implementation stages; utilised PowerShell DSC, Ansible to configure servers; removed manual configuration steps; performed various scenarios on testing/development environment; and ‘polished’ the process.

DevOps CI/CD

Conducted Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment process; ensured fully automated and self-managed processes (GITHub code source); triggered build process in Jenkins through new push to develop branch; ensured build and automated test completed; and concluded UAT server software update.

Branching Policy

Created ‘best practice’ software repository branching policy; incorporated rigorous security; tested process with team (Developers and Testers); implemented policy/process; and monitored pipeline to provide Continuous Improvement.

Reproducable Environment

Creating reproducable and versioned environment as on local developer's machien as on Cloud/on-prem environment. Minimaze number of environment configuration tools.

Recruitment Assistance

Defined selection criteria for interviews; captured requirements to focus practical assessments; created interactive testing environments; managed assessment events and interviewed; recruited ‘most suitable’ candidates; and developed and implemented induction programme.