Terraform configuration testing
Category: Automation
Terraform is a popular tool for infrastructure as code, which allows users to provision and manage infrastructure resources using simple configuration files. While Terraform provides a built-in way to validate the syntax and structure of the configuration files, it does not provide any built-in way to test the actual infrastructure provisioned by Terraform. Therefore, it is common to use external testing frameworks to test Terraform code. One popular testing framework for Terraform is Terratest. Terratest
Maximizing Productivity: A Guide to Successful Work-from-Home for DevOps engineer
Category: Uncategorised
Working from home has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in the field of technology. DevOps engineers, in particular, can greatly benefit from the flexibility and convenience of working from home. One of the most significant benefits of working from home for DevOps engineers is the ability to have a better work-life balance. This can lead to improved mental and physical health, as well as increased job satisfaction. With the ability to work from
Templates in Terraform are forms of work with string. In the example described in this task we may use an ARM template generated in Azure and use variable interpolation to create a template for future deployments. In Azure portal UI select the component which will be deployed in the future many times but with different name, in different resource group or different location. Navigate to “Export template” section and configure how would you like your
How to use password stored in Key Vault as Admin Password in the VM. Terraform snippet
Category: Uncategorised
Access to azure key vault happening via data source description. For example we need to access secret data in this key vault create in Azure resource group MacroLifeRG In the terraform file to access key vault secret data need to define that like datasource as per example below: data "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "myPass" { name = "myAdminPass" vault_uri = "https://macrolifekeys.vault.azure.net/" } For variable “name” value taken from Key vault Secret name: Access stored secret data and use it in future resource creation can be
Usual workflow of the software developer or DevOps engineer contain testing of the completed task on local virtualised environment before sending completed work to repository or share with his team member. In windows environment Hyper-V is default virtualisation solution. In my experience, in some situations, allocated virtual hard drive just running out of free space and complete task become difficult. It is adding extra work to look around and find some additional resources. For simplifying this